Sunday 23 December 2012

Recently on Polyvore!

As you may have noticed I recently signed up for Polyvore and have been absolutely LOVING it.

If you don't know what it is, basically you create collections and pictures from a HUGE selection of items - fashion, beauty, home, celebrities etc. It then works like any other social media platform where people can follow you, comment on your 'sets' and like them.
 The site also has links to where to buy all of the items which are available for use in your sets. So it combines social media, shopping and creativity, all in the one site!!

If you haven't checked it out yet you can here. And follow me here. :)

Now, heres a quick sample of some of the stuff I've been creating recently!!

workout inspiration!

For the love of pink!

perfectly purple!

beautiful blue!

mellow yellow!!

mellow yellow!! by jenniferrobertson featuring a loose face powder

Leave a link below to your Polyvore profile and I will be sure to follow you!!! I have been having so much fun with this!!! 

Until next time :) xx

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